Hello there. Well, the West River is no longer frozen, the Ospreys are back and it’s got all of us here at Brown’s Boat Yard very excited and working hard to get the marina and your boats ready for the upcoming boating season.

It also feels like a good time to ask, “How are we doing”? What has your experience been like with our boat yard? Are there any services we could provide that might provide value to you, our customers? We’re happy to hear any ideas or suggestions you might have and would kindly request that you submit them in the comments area at upper right.

Something else that might help us with our marketing is to hear what we are doing well. You know that old expression, “If you don’t like what we’re doing, tell us. If you like what we’re doing, tell somebody else”? Well, we’d like to make that a bit easier for you so if you have a few kind words you’d like to share about your experience with Brown’s Boat Yard, please submit them via our email address.

OK – time to get back to work. We’ll see you very soon.

Dave and Hank